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TRAIN with crochet

Yarn bombing' artist attempts to brighten up morning commute by covering an entire TRAIN with crochet From crocheted boyfriends to woolly teapots, it would seem there's little that can't be created with a pair of knitting needles and a few balls of  wool.

Pirlo crocheted for Girls

Easy to implement and you'll work measurement that is proportional to the size of your daughter Follow the steps and the result is simply fantastic...

The way the shoes are crocheted baby

Explanation photographer by steps The most important thing to use a good thread and follow the steps and Pattern After decorating the shoe is terminated by desire

knitting socks

The first thing made me love  knitting socks  I have  saw my mother when she  make  socks knitting   with amazing colors    44th row of stitches on 4 needles

Soccer Knitting

work follow

Crocheted edges characteristic of Prague

This type is characterized by simplicity and  sophistication together.  And feel like it's done quickly Decorate your furniture to the outskirts of shapes and colors characteristic

Knitted socks

If you're a knitting professionals can easily follow the explanation Pictures of the work of such socks and change the number of stitches size varies Possible follow-up work the same way for socks for children and adults You need colored yarn Knitting  short hooks that we use to work gloves