Stitch and clear with Patern can start-ups and professional execution of the application And Awlestmtaa filling crocheted tells us that every minute and every thing He adds to our purposes tenderness and sophistication
Explanation photographer by steps The most important thing to use a good thread and follow the steps and Pattern After decorating the shoe is terminated by desire
This collection of the exhibition next so I lyke to show you them in order to know your opinion dears out Used acrylic yarn, measuring 90 x 90 in the second measurement 60 x 127 And weight of 300 grams each blanket I hope that you like
The modus operandi of Roses jacket wonderful b steps Come to Try nicest jacket for children consisting of roses and rose only explanation in detail and images
IT feels strange It's tough , but many discover it when the application is easy and fast as possible to apply So Bring yarn and followers explanation for pictures to do like this wonderful bedspread You can make many pieces of the same application and sewing it, Mattress and also " the tables or the Sofa