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Showing posts with the label learned stitches

A Great Example of Scarves

A Great Example of Scarves I want to give a shawl pattern with pictures and video you can tell that you do this as a model, you can now wrap triangle pattern in .. Starting from the end Materials. mohair wool or a wool you prefer ..  You can also use as a summer .. Thin rope knit  crochet  Scissors Construction will be addressed shortly Let's create a rounded end, combining the chain pull .. Let's make a hole 6 as the other 5 holes fill two fillings 

Nice Stitch

I like this stitch but I did not know it's name steps

Textured Wave Stitch

Stitch beautiful explained step by step

Beautiful stitch you can do it  easy by yourself    

New stitches crocheted

Whatever my friends learned stitches crocheted We continue to look at the latest and the newest stitches I, personally, "I hope to learn all kinds of sutures and apply it   And I'm afraid to die before I finish my work that I had actually begun