Number stitch chain be custom- size blanket that would like to implementBegin to occupy a number of chain stitchThe first line we work stitch padding to the end of the lineThe
second line and add a new color will go up 2 column and then leave 5
stitches and we work in the sixth stitch ( column 2 + +2 chain stitch
column ) and then stitch the series 2We repeat for the end of the line
The third line will go up and then we work columns 2 chain stitch and attach stuffing in the center of the colorful stitch in the previous line and then complete the chain stitch 2 and repeat the filling of column 2 and chains to the end of the lineThe fourth line made whole line columnFifth line attach a new color and re- application of the second line to repeat the formAnd so on until we finish endothelialWhen we finish we work on the required measurement of endothelial stitchQanater or any form of frilly you would like itAnd I hope that images are illustrated explanation
I leave you in God's care
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